
Zbog iznimne važnosti koronarnih arterija, osobito u patogenezi srčanih bolesti, istraživanja srčanih vena desetljećima su bila zapostavljena. Napretkom moderne medicine uvođenje inovativnih dijagnostičkih i terapeutskih postupaka dovelo je do potrebe za alternativnim putovima pristupa oštećenom srcu, gdje vene srca imaju značajnu ulogu. Dok se ranije za prikaz krvnih žila srca koristila samo sekcija srca, danas su zbog primjene novih metoda prikaza krvnih žila srca prisutne različite podjele srčanih vena. Većina srčanih vena završava u desnom atriju. Istaknutu ulogu u odvođenju krvi iz srca ima koronarni sinus, sinus coronarius i njegove pritoke te prednje srčane vene, vv. cardiacae anteriores. Ove vene pripadaju velikom srčanom sustavu, dok mali srčani sustav čine Thebesijeve žile. One su predmet stalnih istraživanja jer se prilagođavaju različitim potrebama prokrvljenosti miokarda ovisno o životnoj dobi i promjenama u različitim srčanim bolestima. Varijacije srčanih vena su uobičajene. Poznavanje varijacija i anastomoza srčanih vena osobito je važno za razumijevanje i tumačenje slikovnih prikaza srčanih vena prilikom izvođenja dijagnostičkih i terapeutskih postupaka.The investigation of the cardiac veins have been neglected for decades because of the great importance of the coronary arteries in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease. Advances in modern medicine and the introduction of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic procedures have led to the alternative routes to the access of the damaged heart, where the cardiac veins play an important role. Before the application of the new imaging methods for cardiac vessels, only dissection of the hearts were used. Now, with the help of these new diagnostic methods, the different classifications of cardiac veins was present. Most cardiac veins drain into the right atrium. The coronary sinus and its tributaries and the anterior cardiac veins have an important role in collecting and returning blood from the heart has. These veins constitute the greater cardiac venous system, while smaller cardiac venous system consists of the Thebesian vessels. They are the subject of an ongoing research in order to adapt to the different needs of myocardial drainage depending on the age and changes in various heart diseases. Variations of cardiac veins are common. The knowledge of cardiac vein variations and anastomoses have become important for understanding and interpretation of the heart vein images during performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures

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