
The Politics of Mainstreaming


Svrha rada. Ustanoviti razliku u višestrukim mjerenjima broja B linija u opažača s niskom razinom iskustva u plućnoj sonografiji te utvrditi mogućnost reproducibilnosti rezultata. Ispitanici i postupci. Istraživanje je provedeno na četrdeset mehanički ventiliranih pacijenata u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja starijih od 18 godina. Ultrazvučni pregled pluća izveden je u medioklavikularnoj liniji lijevog i desnog hemitoraksa, u drugom i četvrtom interkostalnom prostoru. Izbrojen je ukupan maksimalan broj B linija vidljivih na ekranu u jednom trenutku s time da prikaz i evaluacija nisu trajali duže od deset sekundi. Nakon petnaest minuta se pregled ponovio. Rezultati. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je opažač očitovao prosječno veće vrijednosti broja B linija u drugom mjerenju nego u prvom, ali ta razlika nije statistički značajna (P=0.083). Zaključak. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u broju B linija pri višetrukim pregledima pluća u opažaća s niskom razinom iskustva.Objectives. The purpose of this research was to determine intra-rater reliability of quantifying B-lines in an observer with a low level of experience in pulmonary sonography and to determine the possibility of reproducibility of this results. Methods. The study was conducted on forty mechanically ventilated patients in an intensive care unit aged above eighteen. The ultrasound lung examination was performed in the medioclavicular line of the left and right hemithorax , in the second and fourth intercostal space. The total number of B lines displayed on the screen was counted. Quantification lasted less than ten seconds. After fifteen minutes, the examination was repeated. Results. The study showed that the observer had averaged higher values in the second measurement than in the first, but that difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.083). Conclusion. There is no statistically significant intra-observer difference in the number of B lines quantified in the observer with a low experience level

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