The Effects of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy, Desirability of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students


U dvomjesečnom programu poduzetničke edukacije (39 nastavnih sati), osmišljenog i provedenog od strane Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci u suradnji sa Primorsko-goranskom županijom, dobrovoljno je sudjelovalo 16 studenata (7 studenata i 9 studentica) u rasponu dobi od 21 do 28 godina, integriranih preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati efekte poduzetničkog edukacijskog programa na poželjnost poduzetništva, poduzetničku samoefikasnost i poduzetničke namjere studenata. Mjerenje je provedeno prije i nakon programa, te je u istraživanje uključena i kontrolna skupina ispitanika (ekvivalentni parovi), odnosno 32 studenta koji su sa polaznicima izjednačeni po spolu, dobi, fakultetu kojeg pohađaju, godini studija i prosjeku ocjena, a nisu pohađali program. Rezultati ukazuju kako polaznici nakon edukacije značajno bolje procjenjuju svoje poduzetničke vještine i sposobnosti, međutim, na skali poželjnosti poduzetništva ostvaruju niže rezultate u odnosu na prvo mjerenje. Na skali poduzetničke samoefikasnosti i skali poduzetničkih namjera nije utvrđena promjena. Rezultati kontrolne skupine nisu se razlikovali s obzirom na vrijeme mjerenja, što dodatno potvrđuje efekt edukacije. U istraživanju su ispitivane razlike s obzirom na spol te je utvrđeno da studenti u odnosu na studentice ostvaruju statistički značajno više rezultate na svim korištenim skalama, pri oba mjerenja. Naime, osim više razine poduzetničkih tendencija i sposobnosti, ostvaruju više rezultate na skali poželjnosti poduzetništva, poduzetničke samoefikasnosti, poduzetničkih namjera te skali stupnja razvijenosti poduzetničkih vještina i sposobnosti. Uspoređujući studente/ice ekonomskih i neekonomskih usmjerenja utvrđeno je kako studenti/ice ekonomskih usmjerenja ostvaruju više rezultate na jednom aspektu poduzetničkog potencijala (poduzetničke svjesnosti) te skali poželjnosti poduzetništva, poduzetničkih namjera i skali stupnja razvijenosti poduzetničkih vještina i sposobnosti. Iako su sudionici uglavnom zadovoljni provedenim edukativnim programom, on nije doveo do očekivanih pozitivnih promjena u stavovima prema poduzetništvu kao ni u sklonosti ka samozapošljavanju, što dovodi do postavljanja čitavog niza pitanja vezanih uz daljnje usavršavanje i povećanje njegove učinkovitosti o kojima se raspravlja u radu.The main objective of this study was to examine the effects of entrepreneurial education program on desirability of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions of students. Two-month program of entrepreneurial education (39 teaching hours), designed and conducted by the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka in collaboration with Primorje-Gorski Kotar County was attended by 16 participants (7 males and 9 females), students of integrated undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Rijeka, age from 21 to 28. Measurement was carried out before and after the program, including the control group (equivalent couples), represented by 32 students, equal with participants by gender, age, faculty they attend, year of study and grade point average. Students from control group have not attended the program. Even though participants assess their entrepreneurial skills and abilities to be significantly better after the training, results indicate lower results on the scale of assessed desirability for entrepreneurship, compared to the initial measurement. Participant`s results on the scale of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the scale of entrepreneurial intentions did not show statistically significant differences before and after the training. The results of the control group did not differ to the measurement time, which further confirms the effect of education, respectfully. Study additionally examined differences with regard to gender. Male students achieved significantly higher scores on all scales used in both measurements, compared to female students In addition to higher level of entrepreneurial tendencies and abilities, male students earned higher scores on the scale of desirability of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intentions scale and on level of development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities scale. Comparison of the students of economic and non-economic orientations, indicated that students of economic orientation achieved higher scores at one aspect of entrepreneurial potential (entrepreneurial awareness), as well as at desirability of entrepreneurship scale, entrepreneurial intentions scale, and at level of development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities scale. Although participants were generally satisfied with conducted educational program, expected positive changes in attitudes towards entrepreneurship, as well as the tendency to self-employment were not achieved. Given results lead to the whole series of issues related to further development of entrepreneurship training and increase of its effectiveness discussed in the field of business

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