
Poduzetništvo je širok pojam, teško ga je definirati samo jednom rečenicom a obuhvatiti sva njegova značenja. Ipak, sama bit poduzetništva i poduzetnika kao glavnog nositelja procesa može se sumirati u nekoliko pojmova: prepoznavanje prilike, želja za ostvarenjem profita te upravljanje ograničenim resursima. Prije svakog puta treba napraviti plan pa tako i u poduzetništvu. Prije nego što krene u tržišnu realizaciju svoje ideje poduzetnik treba izraditi poslovni plan. Ovaj rad prikazuje poslovni plan beauty centra Venus, zamišljenog kao malog ali konkurentnog centra za njegu tijela. U radu su sadržane sve važnije financijske projekcije te izdašan elaborat o samoj ideji i viziji beauty centra.Entrepreneurship is a wide term, sometimes difficult to summarise in one sentence and still manage to present all its meanings. Nonetheless, the core value of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur can be specified in a few terms: seeking opportunities, profit-driven, managing resources. Any path, trip, requires planning and the path of entrepreneurship is no different. Before venturing out on the market and proposing his idea to the world an entrepreneur should create a business plan. This paper shows a business plan for a beauty center Venus, a small but competitive spa. The paper includes all the major financial information and everything about the idea behind the spa including its vision and mission

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