The Grey


U ovom se radu analizira rod i poigravanje rodom na primjeru tri djela: The Woman in White Wilkieja Collinsa, Theodora: A Fragment Victorije Cross i The Beetle Richarda Marsha. Polazi se od teorijskih postavki Judith Butler i njezina shvaćanja roda kao neprestanog citiranja rodnih normi koje, ipak, same otkrivaju pukotine u vlastitoj prividnoj stabilnosti. U radu se promatraju upravo ove diskrepancije između karakterizacije likova u djelima i prividno čvrstih rodnih normi, povezanih s drugim konstruktima poput rase, te se dokazuje da je rod gotovo svih likova ambigvitetan, što doprinosi uvijek prisutnoj viktorijanskoj tjeskobi vezanoj za rod.In this paper we deal with gender and gender-bending in the Victorian era by looking at three works: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, ―Theodora: A Fragment― by Victoria Cross and The Beetle by Richard Marsh. We follow Judith Butler’s understanding of gender as a citation of norms which reveals fissures that expose its artificiality. In the paper we analyze precisely these discrepancies between characterization and the seemingly rigid gender norms, and their connection with other constructs such as race. We argue that nearly all characters are gender-ambiguous figures, which contributes to the ever-present Victorian gender anxiety

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