University of Split. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split. Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
Rašćane vjerno prikazuju kakav je bio život u malim dalmatinskim selima i kako su narodni običaji ostali živjeti u sjećanjima ljudi. Brojni ratovi, strani osvajači i neprijatelji ostavili su traga kako na crkvama tako i na ljudskim srcima. No mještani su se hrabro borili, gradili crkve, obnavljali selo i usprkos svemu sačuvali svoju tradiciju. Tradicija ovoga malog sela jedino je nasljeđe koje su nam ostavili naši preci. Bogata crkveno-pučka baština izvrstan je podsjetnik na sve ono što se nekada davno poštivalo, na život koji nije bio nimalo lagan, na molitvu i poniznost prema Bogu, i upravo na toj snažnoj vezi izgradio se novi život. Svako selo slavi blagdane na svoj način. Tako i Rašćane slavi Boga i Djevicu te im zahvaljuje na darovanom bogatstvu i miru. Premda ne nužno u Rašćanima, rašćanska djeca s tom sviješću odlaze u svijet. Iako je većina njih otišla živjeti u grad, oni nisu zaboravili svoje selo i svoje porijeklo. Ono za njih predstavlja domovinu, majku kojoj se na kraju svoga puta vraćaju i u njoj mirno snivaju vječni san. Ta im je domovina usadila prave vrijednosti, a na njima je da odluče kako će i hoće li iskoristiti to neprocjenjivo bogatstvo.The village of Rašćane faithfully represents the life of small Dalmatian villages and the traditions which remain vivid in the memories of its inhabitants. Numerous wars, foreign conquerors and foes all left their trace on both its churches and the human hearts. But the locals fought bravely, built churches, renewed the village and preserved their tradition against all odds. The traditions of this small village are all that remain of our forefathers. A rich folk-christian heritage serves as an outstanding remainder of everything that was long ago respected, of a hard life, prayer and humility before God which all form a foundation from which new life prospered. Everyone celebrates holidays in their own way. In Rašćane too, there is a distinct way of celebrating God and the Holy Virgin and praising them for the wealth and peace which they provided. Although not necessarily residing in Rašćane, the children of the village move away carrying these thoughts on their minds. Most of them may have gone to live in the cities, but they never forget their origins. For them it represents their homeland, the mother they return to at the end of their paths to peacefully dream their everlasting dream. This homeland has instilled them with true values and it is up to them to decide whether they will make the most of that invaluable treasure