Evaluation of children`s achievements


Vrednovanje postignuća djece složen je proces i često negativno procijenjen, osobito kada se govori o vrednovanju postignuća djece rane i predškolske dobi. Smisao ovoga rada jest analiza stajališta različitih autora o pojmu vrednovanja, kao i provedba istraživanja o mišljenju odgojiteljica u dječjem vrtiću i studentica studija predškolskog odgoja, o povođenju procesa vrednovanja djece u predškolskim ustanovama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 57 ispitanica, od čega 24 odgojiteljice i 33 studentice. Različita stajališta o procesu vrednovanja postignuća djece pokazala su se, kako kod suvremenih autora, tako i kod sudionica u istraživanju. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja dostigli su osrednju srednju vrijednost u cjelokupnom pogledu na temu, što znači da se sudionice u određenoj mjeri slažu s provođenjem procesa vrednovanja u predškolskim ustanovama, dok su s nekim tvrdnjama pokazale neslaganje. Studentice i odgojiteljice pokazale su slaganje s provedbom vrednovanja postignuća djece radi lakšeg privikavanja djece na školski sustav ocjenjivanja, kao i radi obavještavanja stručnih suradnika i roditelja o boljem ili slabijem napretku djetetovih postignuća unutar predškolske ustanove.Evaluating childrens performance is a complex and often negatively viewed process, especially when it comes to evaluating the performance of toddlers and preschool children. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the attitudes of various authors towards the concept of performance evaluation, and to present a survey on the positions of preschool teachers and students of the Early Childhood Education college course on carrying out the process of evaluation in educational institutions for preschool children. 57 respondents participated in the survey, 24 of which were the preschool teachers and 33 of which were the students. Both the survey respondents and contemporary authors exhibited differing attitudes towards the process of evaluating childrens performance. The results of the survey show a moderate average in relation to the topic, which means that the respondents are, to a certain degree, in favor of carrying out the process of performance evaluation in educational institutions for preschool children, while they may disagree on other statements. The students and preschool teachers approve of carrying out the process of performance evaluation to accustom children to the evaluation system in schools, and to facilitate reporting on the rate of improvement of a child's performance in the educational institutions to the experts assistants and parents

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