Jože Požgaj's legacy; Regional collection "Insulana" of Nikola Zrinski's library Čakovec


Ovaj rad donosi pregled ostavštine Jože Požgaja pohranjene u Zavičajnoj zbirci 'Insulana', Knjižnice Nikola Zrinski u Čakovcu. Ostavština se sastoji od 10 mapa s dokumentima koji svjedoče o radu i životu Jože Požgaja kao istaknutog glazbenog pedagoga, zaljubljenika u glazbu, koji je strastveno prenosio svoje znanje, talent i iskustvo budućim generacijama, a svojim radom doprinio unapređenju kako glazbenog odgoja u školama, tako i glazbene struke općenito. Ostavština Jože Požgaja predstavlja zanimljivu i sadržajnu cjelinu unutar fonda Zavičajne zbirke 'Insulana', a obuhvaća još uvijek nedovoljno istražene interese i rad Požgaja. U radnji je naglasak na opisu dokumenata sagledanih iz povijesne perspektive, u kontekstu glazbenog života vremena u kojem su nastajali, a u budućnosti bi svakako bilo vrijedno i korisno istražiti i njihovu glazbeno- pedagošku dimenziju.This paper provides an overview of the legacy of Joža Požgaj which is stored in the Country collection “Insulana“, in Library Zrinski in Čakovec. The legacy consists of 10 folders with documents that bear witness to the work and life of Joža Požgaj as a prominent music educator, music lover, who not only conveyed his knowledge, talent and experience to future generations, but also a person whose work contributed to the advancement of music education in schools and the music profession in general. The legacy of Joža Požgaj represents an interesting and meaningful unit within the Country collection 'Insulana', but includes still insufficiently explored interests and work of Joža Požgaj. In this thesis, the emphasis will be on the description of the documents viewed from a historical perspective, in the context of the musical life of the time in which they were built, and in the future it would certainly be valuable and useful to explore their musical and pedagogical dimension

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