Kinesitherapy programs for persons with multiple sclerosis


Multipla skleroza je autoimuna bolest koju karakterizira demijelinizacija i neurodegeneracija unutar središnjeg živčanog sustava. Tjelesna aktivnost se pokazala kao sigurna i efikasna standardna terapija za osobe s multiplom sklerozom. Svrha ovoga rada je programirati kineziterapijske tretmane. Aerobni trening, trening snage, kombinirani trening, trening disanja, te yoga imaju pozitivne zdravstvene efekte.Multiple sclerosis is immune-mediated disease characterized by demyelination and neurodegeneration within the central nerve system. Physical activity is proven to be safe and effective standard therapy for persons with MS. Purpose of this thesis is to program kinesitherapy treatments. Aerobic training, strength training, combined training, breathing techniques and yoga have positive health effects

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