The relationship of perfectionism, self-efficacy and academic procrastination


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost perfekcionizma, samoefikasnosti i akademske prokrastinacije, te provjeriti mogućnost predviđanja akademske prokrastinacije na temelju dimenzija perfekcionizma i samoefikasnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 227 studenata i studentica drugih i trećih godina preddiplomskih studija različitih fakulteta Osječkog sveučilišta. Instrumenti korišteni u istraživanju su Tuckmanova skala prokrastinacije, Revidirana skala težnje perfekcionizmu te Upitnik opće samoefikasnosti. Rezultati su pokazali negativnu povezanost adaptivnog perfekcionizma i samoefikasnosti sa akademskom prokrastinacijom te pozitivnu povezanost maladaptivnog perfekcionizma i akademske prokrastinacije, čime su potvrđene prve dvije hipoteze. Rezultati također ukazuju na pozitivnu povezanost adaptivnog perfekcionizma i samoefikasnosti, te negativnu povezanost maldaptivnog perfekcionizma i samoefikasnosti. Na kraju, pokazalo se da je pozitivni prediktor akademske prokrastinacije maladaptivni perfekcionizam, dok je negativni prediktor akademske prokrastinacije adaptivni perfekcionizam no samoefikasnost se nije pokazala značajnim prediktorom akademske prokrastinacije.The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between perfectionism, self-efficacy and academic procrastination and to examine the possibility of predicting academic procrastination trough dimension of perfectionism and self-efficacy. A sample of 227 male and female second and third year undergraduated students od different collages in Osijek participated in this study. The following instruments were used: Tuckman Procrastination Scale, Almost Perfect Scale Revised, General Self-efficacy Scale. The results of this study indicate that academic procrastination is in negative correlation with adaptive perfectionism and self-efficacy and positive relationship maladaptive perfectionism and academic procrastination, confirming first two hypothesis. Results also confirmed third hypothesis, showing positive correlation between adaptive perfectionism and self-efficacy, and negative relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and self-efficacy. Second hypothesis is partly confirmed, respectively positive predictor of academic procrastination was maladaptive perfectionism while negative predictor of academic procrastination is adaptive perfectionism but self-efficacy was not significant predictor of academic procrastination

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