Encouraging creative thinking in students


U ovom radu bit će razmatrana sposobnost kreativnog razmišljanja kod učenika. Najprije će biti definirana i određena sama kreativnost. Zatim će to isto biti učinjeno i za inteligenciju, nakon čega će uslijediti prikaz relacije između ta dva pojma. Nadalje će biti promotrena kreativnost u nastavi te nakon toga i kreativna kompetentnost učitelja. Na kraju će se fokus prebaciti na poticanje kreativnog mišljenja kod učenika. U radu naglasak biti na samom pojmu kreativnosti, kreativnoj kompetentnosti učitelja te na razvoju kreativnog potencijala učenika u nastavnom procesu. Tema ovog rada je relevantna zbog sve veće potrebe za sposobnošću kreativnog razmišljanja i u školstvu, ali i u životu općenito. Potrebno je u školstvu što više poticati i njegovati kreativnost, a glavnu ulogu u tome imaju učitelji. U nastavu treba inkorporirati razne metodičke postupke koji će pomoći razvoju kreativnosti, a posebna se pažnja mora dati kvaliteti komunikacije između učitelja i učenika.Students’ capability of creative thinking will be the center point of this work. Firstly, the notion of creativity will be scrutinized. Then, the same will be done for the notion of intelligence, after what the relation between the two will be analyzed. Later, creativity and its position in schooling, and the creative competency of educators will both be explored. Lastly, the focus will be on the encouragement of creative thinking within the schooling system. The biggest amount of attention in this work will be given to the notion of creativity, the creative competency of teachers, and the development of students’ creative abilities. The central idea of this work is relevant because of the need for creative thinking, both in the schooling system and in life in general. It is necessary to encourage and nurture creativity inside the classroom which is why teachers are the ones that have a direct role in that. Various methodological methods should be incorporated in teaching to help students better their creative abilities. Special attention should be given to the quality of communication between teachers and students because it has a great influence on students’ creative thinking and learning in general

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