Ground water irrigation polygons for recharge calculation. Water budget design document number DDW-009


Design documents are a series of technical papers addressing specific design topics on the eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer Model upgrade. Each design document will contain the following information: topic of the design document, how that topic fits into the whole project, which design alternatives were considered and which design alternative is proposed. In draft form, design documents are used to present proposed designs to reviewers. Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggested alternatives and comments to the design document. Reviewers include all members of the Eastern Snake Hydrologic Modeling (ESHM) Committee as well as selected experts outside of the committee. The design document author will consider all suggestions from reviewers, update the draft design document, and submit the design document to the SRPAM Model Upgrade Program Manager. The Program Manager will make a final decision regarding the technical design of the described component. The author will modify the design document and publish the document in its final form in .pdf format on the SRPAM Model Upgrade web site. Final model documentation will include all of the design documents, edited to ensure that the “as-built” condition is appropriately represented. This design document describes the designation of portions of the study area into “Ground Water Irrigation Polygons” for the purpose of recharge calculation. The withdrawals associated with irrigation from ground water are a negative recharge and will be calculated according to the equation: Net Recharge (ground water) = Precipitation - (ET x Adjustment Factor). The ET adjustment factor will be applied according to the geographic location of the irrigated land being calculated and the application method used to apply water. Adjustment factor and application method parameters for irrigation from ground water will be carried as attributes of the ground water irrigation polygon map. This paper describes the construction of the ground water irrigation polygon map. Parameters for surface water irrigation will be carried as attributes of the aggregated surface water entity map, described in Design Document DDW-008

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