Preliminary Design of Maintenance of the Local Road L69042, 3,3 km Long Section Trnovica - Čepikuće, in Dubrovnik Littoral Municipality : Master's Thesis


Ovim idejnim projektom prikazana je tehnička dokumentacija za radove izvanrednog održavanja dionice lokalne ceste L69042 (Trnovica - Čepikuće) duljine 3,3 km. Projektom je obuhvaćeno i raskrižje s lokalnom cestom L69043. Projektom su prikazane pregledna, građevinska i prometna situacija te uzdužni, normalni i poprečni presjeci prometnice. Idejni projekt izrađen je prema pravilniku o osnovnim uvjetima za projektiranje izvangradske ceste s elementima koji zadovoljavaju važeće propise i kriterije.This preliminary design presents the technical documentation for the works of maintenance of the local road L69042 (Trnovica - Čepikuće) length of 3,3 km. The design includes the intersection with the local road L69043. This design presents the general, construction and traffic layouts, as well as longitudinal, normal and cross-sections of the road. Preliminary design is made according to the rules of the basic requirements for the design of the roads with features that meet the regulations and criteria in force

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