Noise pollution


Onečišćenje bukom je sve raširenije i prisutnije zbog industrijalizacije, urbanizacije i rasta prometa. Najugroženija skupina su radnici koji su tijekom radnog vremena izloženi povišenim razinama buke. Urbanizacijom raste broj izloženih ljudi te se može reći da je buka nevolja modernog života. Za prometnu buku se danas smatra da najviše doprinosi opterećenju okoliša bukom. U ovome je radu prikazana buka s obzirom na njene osnovne karakteristike, izvore, odnosno djelatnosti pri kojima je prisutna, kao i utjecaje kojima negativno djeluje na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. Upravo zbog toga neki buku nazivaju tihom ubojicom jer uzrokuje fizičke, fiziološke i psihičke posljedice. K tome treba nadodati da je znanje o ovome onečišćenju krhko. Buka je prisutna kako u otvorenim, tako i u zatvorenim prostorima te se raznim metodama njezina razina pokušava smanjiti na one zakonom propisane vrijednosti. Stoga su navedeni i zakonski okviri te mjere zaštite od buke.Noise pollution is becoming more widespread and more present due to industrialization, urbanization and increasing traffic. The most vulnerable are workers who are exposed to high levels of noise during their working time. The number of exposed people is growing because of urbanization, so we can say that the noise is a trouble of modern life. Now it is considered that noise from the traffic contributes the most on the environmental noise load. In this thesis a noise is presented according to its basic characteristics, sources or activities in which it is present, as well as its influences on human health and the environment. This is why some noise called the silent killer because it causes physical, physiological and psychological consequences. It should be added that the knowledge about this pollution is insufficient. The noise is present both in the open and in enclosed spaces and various methods is being used to achieve values prescribed according to the law. Therefore, the legislative framework and noise protection measures are mentioned

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