Interpretation of test pumping well ZČ-1 in the area of future well field Črnkovec : master’s thesis


Zdenac ZČ-1 je izveden s ciljem postupne izgradnje i širenja vodoopskrbe na prostoru budućeg vodocrpilišta Črnkovec. Lokacija je unaprijed određena na temelju hidrogeololoških istraživanja gdje je utvrđeno da istražni prostor zdenca izgrađuju naslage uglavnom ujednačenog litološkog sastava. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je odrediti hidrogeološke parametre vodonosnog sloja te parametre zdenca na temelju interpretacije podataka pokusnih crpljenja. Za istraživano područje utvrđene su sljedeće prosječne vrijednosti hidrogeoloških parametara: transmisivnost T = 6,05*10-1 m2/s i hidraulička vodljivost K = 2*10-2 m/s. Jednadžba sniženja u zdencu glasi: s = 5,8113Q + 27,566Q2. Na temelju dobivenih podataka zaključilo se da je zdenac dobro izveden. Analizom vode utvrđeno je da broj koliformnih bakterija premašuje dozvoljeni iznos pa je vodu prije puštanja u sustav vodoopskrbe nužno tretirati.Abstract: Well ZČ-1 was designed with a goal of development and expansion of water supply system in the area of the future well Črnkovec. The location of construction was chosen based on hydrogeologic studies where it was determined that this area around the well is formed from mostly uniform lithological deposits. Main goal of this thesis was to determine the hydrogeological parameters of the aquifer and parameters of well by interpretation of test pumping data. The following average values of hydrogeological parameters were defined for the investigated area: transmissivity T = 6,05*10-1 m2/s and hydraulic conductivity K = 2*10-2 m/s. Drawdown equation in the well is: s = 5,8113Q + 27,566Q2. Determination was based on the data obtained and final results showed that the well was conquered. Water analysis showed that coliform bacteria exceed the allowed amount, and that the water must be treated before introduced to the water supply system

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