Pedagogical potential of discipline logic in the development of student thinking culture


© 2016 Khairullin and Khuziakhmetov.Considering the culture of thinking development in a pedagogical context, it should be noted that during an individual development, a person learning concepts historically shaped by a humanity, does not spontaneously perceive and remember them. Acquisition of knowledge requires any mental activity, corresponding to the content of concepts. The aim of the article is to justify the development of a student thinking culture of a high school in the course of studying humanitarian discipline logic and to identify the main features, criteria and indicators of university students thinking culture development. The leading methods of research are: a) the theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature; b) study; c) synthesis of advanced pedagogical experience, which allowed to substantiate the prognostic value of the pedagogical potential of the discipline logic in the students thinking culture development and an introduction to the student’s curriculum of humanitarian course of logic. The following criteria were identified: motivational-axiological (degree of awareness of the students the value of thinking culture); cognitive (the degree of awareness of operations and methods of thought activity); the operational (the nature of the operations and of intellectual activity techniques acquisition and skills to produce rational actions on their application in the educational and extracurricular cognitive processes) and personal (maturity of a reflective position, the degree of mind efficiency and the ability to solve problems creatively). The following provisions have been proved: methodological basis (it constitutes a dialectical and formal logic, the laws of non-contradiction and of the excluded middle); psychological basis (the definition of leading role of receptive kinds of communicative activity in a thinking culture development in a process of logic teaching); logical basis (adoption of logic as a necessary attribute of social life, which is also a way to communicate between different groups of people)

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