Development of subject position as a condition for forming communicative competence of a future teacher


© 2016 Yarullina and Araslanova.Since the demand on specialists with broad professional competence grows nowadays, high education is filled with new contents and presupposes formation of a professionally competent teacher. Professional education considers communicative competence of a student as a dominant. This fact requires from a student active attitude to himself and his activity, i. e. ability to construct and organize interaction with pupils, estimate and realize correction of his own activity. This is possible when the subject position of a student is activated. The aim of this article is working out functional-structural model of forming communicative competence of a future teacher under the condition of transforming pedagogical education. The leading method is the method of experimental modeling, which enables to analyze the usage of technology of forming communicative competence of a teacher at studying the block of pedagogical subjects and practice. The model reflects the usage of integral-modular technology. One of the qualities of the module in question its possibility to serve as an invariant for structuring an unlimited number of competitive modules of educational process in different types of institutions

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