State regional policy in modern russia: Problems and trends of development


© Medwell Journals, 2016.This study is devoted to research of the current conditions of the state regional policy in the Russian Federation. Despite the importance of the problems of regional policy in Russia, it has not become systemic to this day. "The Regional policy and federal relations" Program adopted by the Russian government in 2014 does not answer many questions and most importantly, it does not determine the current state of regions and efficiency of the state regional policy. Many provisions of the program are declarative in nature such as, for example, satisfaction of the population by quality of public and municipal services; the level of normative legal and methodological support of the powers of the Russian Federation subjects. It is not clear from the program on what and where the money will be spent, although the volume of federal budget allocations for the period 2013-2020 is 119,163,313.8 thous. rub. The main purpose of the study is to identify contradictions and tendencies of modern regional development, state regional policy, to analyze the impact of those policy on socio-economic and political development of the Russian society. To achieve this goal we have made the following hypothesis: does the modern state regional policy in Russia promote the objectives aimed at preserving an integrity and stability of the Russian state contributing to social well-being and development of a new quality of life of our citizens. The study includes the following methods and approaches in the capacity of the methodological basis for research: system and structure and functional approaches, sociological, logical and comparative methods and also analysis of the conditions and factors affecting the state regional policy of modern Russia. As a result of research, we came to the following conclusions: Regionalization issues in modern Russia took particular significance in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the beginning of transformation of its totalitarian model with command-administrative management. The comprehensive and unprecedented for peacetime crisis which follows the collapse of the USSR has led to a loss of 40% of the national wealth and also gave rise to the desire of individual regions to search for ways out of the crisis separately. Under these conditions, the role of regional policy on the basis of which the emergence of a new Russia will be, increases immeasurably. The democratization of all aspects of life, a dramatic expansion in the early 90s of the rights of the Russian Federation subjects sharply actualized the problem on accommodation of interests of the state and the regions and demanded formulation of a state regional policy which objective should be both building a federal state and the socio-economic development of regions. Regional diversity makes it impossible for Russia to transfer an experience of any one country or the use of any one transition economy model tested in the world practice. In the process of its reforming, Russia must create a synthesis of domestic and international experience. The strength of Russia is in its regions, so the state regional policy in Russia is the basis, or the foundation which will allow our country to build a modern state and society

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