The representation of the concept «journey» in the author's picture of the world of J.Tolkien (by example of his novel «hobbit or there and back again»)


The article investigates the concept "journey" in J. Tolkien's picture of the world of based on his novel "Hobbit or There and Back Again". The main research method was the conceptual analysis, that is a system of concepts and lexicalsemantic fields. The paper reviews conceptual and figurative- value layer of the concept "journey" and studies its lexical-semantic and associative semantic fields. It was revealed in the process of the study of conceptual layer of the concept "journey" that the main meaning of the lexeme "journey" coincides with the dictionary definition. The peripheral part of this layer is composed of the following lexical-semantic field: "the subject of journey", "purpose of journey", "travel route", "the physical condition of the road", "assist in the realization of journey", "obstacles", "baggage" and others. In order to reveal the content of the value layer of the concept associative-semantic field of the concept "journey" against the background of the considered work will help to find the following interrelated associates: "fidelity", "ordeal", "means", "self-development", "growth" and others. Based on the analysis of all sememes that represent the literary concept "journey" against the background of the novel being studied, it has been found that the concept "journey" in J. Tolkien's picture of the world is a very complex and multifaceted cognitive formation, having high psychological significance, as well as content being value for linguocultural community. The results can be used in cultural linguistics, psycholinguistics and semantics of the text

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