Problems of formation and development of the lawmaking institute


In article the legislative process mechanism through legal institution of lawmaking is researched. The purpose of article is to determine elements of lawmaking which at the same time are impact factors on legislative process. The research of the main system components of lawmaking allowed to formulate the main components of lawmaking, to determine unity of understanding the legislative process, the lawmaking subjects status. It is offered to provide institute of lawmaking with a legal regulation. Insufficiency of legal regulation of the legislative process mechanism generates ambiguity of the argumentation of the lawmaking subjects status, legal technology, the nature of an origin of laws. So, the technique of a bill statement is deprived of the due legal basis; the lawmaking mechanism by consideration of the bill (especially proceeding in subjects of the Russian Federation) isn't provided with the legal base in proper amount; to number of requirements, shown to lawmaking subjects: it is offered to add requirements for qualification

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