Impact of regional economic development on migration processes


Factors influencing intensification of a migration process should be defined as the potential opportunities of migration, and the actual conditions of implementation of a migration process. Conditions of implementation of a migration process require to determine the intensity of the migration process for formation of priorities within the framework of migration, as well as the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of migration. The factors influencing a migration may be divided into direct (inequality level, poverty level, the value of individual's real income, and the value of his/her real wages), and indirect which include the effectiveness of a national or regional economy (when considering the migration processes within one country). Direct factors permit a comparison of the parameters in the countries interrelated with a migration process. Changes in these parameters that are adjusted to the expectations of migrants and to the existing information asymmetry upon formation of the optimal solution for the migration enable virtually (on the basis of the information collected) to evaluate the importance of each of these parameters during formation of a decision to migrate. Indirect factors which determine the basic conditions of an intensification of the migration process is form the potential opportunities of migration. It is necessary to include in the number of indirect factors not only parameters of a national economy as a whole, but also the parameters of the development of certain regions or areas which form a migration attractiveness of these regions. In this case the migration attractiveness should be defined both by the overall macroeconomic parameters of the region development, and by a socio-psychological climate, and social development priorities

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