Social media marketing as an effective instrument of the promotion of social business-project in social entrepreneurial activity


The article deals with the concept of entrepreneurship from the point of view of different scientists, as well as the importance of marketing in social entrepreneurship, and in particular social media marketing (SMM) as an effective instrument for the promotion of social business ideas. Also it considers the trends of realization of social projects in various scopes of activity. The most popular are the following areas of business: pre-school education of children; employment support to people being in a difficult life situation; improving the quality and availability of medical services and improving the quality of life of people from socially vulnerable categories of the population. During the development of this topic the main advantages and disadvantages of SMM have been formulated. The stages of construction of the system of promoting a social business project within the framework of SMM are also considered: defining the target segment of consumers within the social media community; compiling the "semantic core" of social group; constructing a mental (intellectual) interaction map within the community in a social network; drawing and realizing a content plan for the efficiency of interaction with customers within a social network; carrying out a statistical analysis of the community; introducing interactive forms of communication with the users for maintaining the communicative constituent of the promotion; monitoring and continuous improving communication within the social network

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