Linguistic representation of family relations in russian and yemeni set expressions


© 2015 the author(s). The significance of the present study is caused by an intensive development of comparative linguistics in respect of the specification and improvement of its fundamental theoretical principles, as well as concerning particular descriptions of the separate language facts. The article presents a complex comparative research of Russian and Yemeni paroemias reflecting specific character of family relations in conceptual-semantic and ethno cultural aspects. The objective of the article is to consider peculiarities of the worldview of Russian and Yemeni people, which are presented in the set expressions reflecting national and cultural specifics of Russian and Arab linguistic cultures. The article highlights identical features and distinctions between paroemias of the both languages with "family" lexeme and "family relations" semantic field. Theoretical information and language base covered in the article can be used in teaching vocabulary of modern Russian and Arabic languages, Arabic dialectology, Linguistic culture, Cross-cultural communication; as well as in teaching special courses on language and culture issues to students specializing in "linguistics" and "philology". Applied value of the present study is determined by the possibility of practical usage of the information given in compiling textbooks, study guides and dictionaries of Arabic and Russian languages

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