Analysis of the foreign language competence at the current stage of development of higher pedagogical education becomes more and more topical. In this paper the requirements of the federal educational standards of pedagogical education and the professional standard of a pedagogue to formation of the foreign language competence in students mastering the non-linguistic pedagogical specialties are specified. Analysis of understanding of the foreign language competence by researchers has been performed; the author's structure of the foreign language competence of future pedagogues is presented. The following sub-competences are distinguished as its structural components: linguistic, discursive, colloquial, pragmatic, information-technological, strategic, socio-cultural, personal-creative. The result of analysis of the level of development of the foreign language competence structural elements and kingdoms of results of analysis of the level of development of the foreign language competence structural elements in students of the first and second courses of non-linguistic pedagogical specialties are presented. It was established that the level of such structural elements of the foreign language competence as linguistic, discursive, colloquial, pragmatic, information-technological, strategic, socio-cultural, personal-creative sub-competences in students of sample being considered fall within the advanced level of development. The strategic sub-competence representing the ability to use the verbal and nonverbal communication strategies for compensation of the missing knowledge in the conditions of the linguistic communication as well as abilities relating to the linguistic creativity fall within the area of the optimal level of development which necessitates creation of the psychologicalpedagogical conditions for development thereof