β-Keto phosphonic and phosphinic esters - Communication 6. Products of the reaction of chloro- and bromo-acetone with diethyl ethylphosphonite and with sodium ethyl ethylphosphonite


1. The action of diethyl ethylphosphonite on chloroacetone results in the formation of ethyl isopropenyl ethylphosphonate. In the case of bromoacetone, as well as ethyl isopropenyl ethylphosphonate, ethyl acetonylethylphosphinate is formed. 2. The reaction of chloroacetone with sodium ethyl ethylphosphonite gives ethyl (1,2-epoxy-1-methylethyl)ethylphosphinate. 3. A study was made of the Raman spectra and ultraviolet absorption spectra of previously undescribed compounds. © 1961 Consultants Bureau

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