Teaching religion and classical languages in Russian gymnasiums in the middle of XIX - Beginning of the XX century: Searching for a harmonic correlation


© Serials Publications. The article deals with the situation formed during the period of reforming the secondary education system in the Russian Empire (mid XIX - beginning of the XX century), concerning studying the bases of religion in secular secondary schools, as well as position and significance of classical languages (Ancient Greek and Latin) in teaching Russian gymnasium students. Both of them were subject to pedagogic and public discussions throughout the mentioned period, and still they remain debatable nowadays. Based on the information available in the sources and literature on the Russian secondary school history, the main contradictions of two components ("religious" and "antique") are revealed in the context of a paradigm of classic school education, and also under conditions of isolation of various types of secondary professional schools ("real" gymnasiums and colleges) from classic gymnasiums in the second half of the XIX century. The authors propound conclusions on the reasons behind the contradictions in this particular field and characterize the points of view of the researchers of the problem. Materials of the article are useful for researchers of history of education, philologists, theologies, practicing teachers, and also for participants of modern public and pedagogical discussions concerning educational policy and forming of a new school paradigm

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