Make suicide survivor to talk - challenge to researcher or to bereaved?


It is known that society is not inclined to talk about suicide. Studies confirm that people bereaving after the suicide of close one are more socially isolated or isolate themselves more. Therefore, this study was made with the aim to understand why suicide survivors avoid talking about their experience. In this study, 23 participants took part All of them survived the suicide of a close family member. Most narratives of participants show avoidance to talk about the deceased, death, suicide, or grief. They also reflect that this avoidance is two-sided. On the one hand, bereaved persons themselves avoid talking because avoidance is their coping strategy and they believe that other people are not able to understand their emotions or wish to protect themselves and the deceased family member. On the other hand, people around the bereaved ones may seek to keep distance because they are afraid of bereaved persons’ emotions and reactions and cannot understand grief well. Moreower, the stereotypes prevalent in society might also have influence here. Therefore, it is a challenge to both bereaved persons and people around them to break the suicide tabu in society

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