Baltų humanitarui - 150


The article is dedicated to mark the 150th anniversary from the birth of famous researcher of the Baltic culture, folklore, and ethnography Eduardas Volteris. He was born in a family of German pharmacist in Hagenskalna, next to Riga, on March 18, 1856. He studied linguistic research and Slavian philology in universities of Leipzig, Dorpat (Tartu), Moscow, and Charckow. In 1883-1886, he travelled to Lithuania through the East Prussia and collected Lithuanian ethnographic and linguistic material and folklore. In 1886-1918 he taught bibliography, Lithuanian and Latvian languages, dialectology, Lithuanian and Latvian ethnography as well as syntaxes of Lithuanian language, comparative grammar of Lithuanian, Latvian, and Prussian languages. In 1918 E. Volteris came to Lithuania and became the director of the Central Lithuanian Book Store (currently, Martynas Mažvydas Library). In 1917, when Vilnius was occupied by Poland, he moved to Kaunas and established the Central State Book Store (Library). In 1920, E. Volteris became a chairman of Archaeological Commission of Lithuania. In 1922-1934, he worked as a director of Kaunas City Museum. In 1922, after the establishment of the University of Lithuania, E. Volteris became it professor and head of Archaeological Division in Human Sciences Faculty. He organised ethnographic, folklore, and linguistic expeditions; took care about excavations of Kaunas Castle; and wrote many articles on Lithuanian and Latvian languages, folklore, ethnography and culture. In 1923, accompanied by J. Tumas-Vaižgantas, E. Volteris initiated and established the Society of Lithuanian and Latvian Solidarity and became its chairman. E. Volteris died on December 14, 1941. He was burred in Lutheran Corner of Kaunas City Cemetery. In 1950s, during the movement of cemetery, his grave was razed to the ground

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