Learning Support Volunteer Students' Learning in Volunteer Activities : A Comparison of Psychology Students and Education Students


本研究は,学習支援ボランティアに参加している大学生・大学院生の所属や専攻によって,ニーズの違いがあるのかを明らかにすることを目的とし,学習支援ボランティアの大学生・大学院生の内,心理学履修学生と教職課程履修学生にそれぞれ半構造化面接を実施し,両者の比較検討を行った。その結果,心理学履修学生は,臨床心理士になるため,スクールカウンセラーになるため,教職課程履修学生は,教師になるために学習支援ボランティア活動を行っていた。児童・生徒への対応や気づきなどについても両者に違いが見られた。今後,履修の違いに基づき,学習支援ボランティア活動への指導を行っていくことを検討する必要がある。The purpose of this study is to clarify if there are differences in needs depending on the affiliation and specialty among undergraduate students and graduate students, both participating as learning support volunteers. As a method, we used semi-structured interviews for psychology students and education students who were acting as learning support volunteers. In the survey, we asked what they felt about the teachers and what they got from the learning support volunteer activities. Next, we conducted a comparative study of both. The result was as follows: psychology students became clinical psychologists and school counselors, while education students engaged in learning support volunteer activities to become teachers. There was a difference between the two groups. As for the future, it seems necessary to give students some guidance concerning the learning support volunteer activities based on the differences in the course

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