ノウケッカンナイ チリョウ


We reported the resent advansement of endovascular treatment for cerebral strokepatients, coil embolization for aneurysm, local fibrinolytic therapy for acute major cerebralartery occlusion and stent inplantation for cerebral artery stenosis. Detachable coil embolizationwas done for 101 patient with (105) cerebral aneurysms. Detachable coil treatment technologyfor cerebral aneurysms were effective and safe. We treated intraarterial local fibrinolysisfor 94 patients of acute major cerebral artery occlusion. Our clinical trial may indicate abetter choice for cases with acute ischemic cerebral stroke. Especially early treatment within4 hours from onset may lead to have more enhance of good clinical improvemant. Stentinplantation for carotid artery, vertebral artey and subculavian artery was done for 11patients with arterio-screlotic stenosis. Stent inplantation for cerebral artery stenosis iseffective, although we need more safety protection for embolism and prevention technologyagainst restenosis

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