イリョウ カソ チイキ デノ エンカク シンリョウ シエン システム オ モチイタ ノウコウソク キュウセイキ イリョウ


Introduction : The validity of intravenous rt-PA therapy for acute ischemic stroke patients within 4.5 hours after onset is reported, but the rate of the delivery of rt-PA therapy is assumed lower due to its lack of stroke specialists and its geographic location in depopulated areas. In February 2013, we developed the telemedicine system in our medically under-served area as a potential solution of medical disparities. Objects and Methods : After the introduction for 16 months, 95 acute ischemic stroke patients were transferred to our hospital, seven (7.37%) of which were subjected to the “drip and ship” method of rt-PA infusion using a telemedicine system for emergency medicine (k-support). We examined the time course after onset and the treatment outcome of these seven cases. Results : Seven cases had rt-PA infusion started in the depopulated area. In five cases, recanalization of occluded vessels were demonstrated resulting in improved clinical symptoms. Conclusion : It was able to give a standard therapy using rt-PA infusion for acute ischemic stroke and the quality of the cerebral infarction medical treatment was improved by building the telemedicine system in the depopulated area

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