ガン ト エイヨウ フリョウ ガン アクエキシツ ショウカキガン オ チュウシン ニ


A majority of patients with cancer, in particularly cancer of digestive organs, shows malnutrition, leading to worse quality of life and occurrence of several complications. Mechanisms of being malnutrition include anorexia, abnormally affected metabolism, hypercytokinemia, chronic loss of blood, and consumption of nutrition by cancer growing. Nutritional states should be evaluated periodically by somatometry, blood chemistry, subjective nutritional assessment(SGA), and so on. On the basis of the assessment of nutrition, appropriate supplementation of nutrition should be performed. The routs of nutritional supplementation include oral ingestion, tubural feeding, gastrostomy tube, enterostomy tube, peripheral parenteral nutrition and intravenous hyperalimenation. Thus, appropriate nutritional administration in patients with cancer leads to better outcome of cancer treatment

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