イキル シンタイ ノ キョウイク ブジュツカ コウノ ヨシノリ トノ タイワ カラ 2 イキル コト ノ リスク オ コエテ


In recent years the mind-sets called 'Risk Management' spread out rapidly not only to the business world but also to the general public. Against this trend we want to ask "Isn't the life always the inevitable risk?" The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has promoted "Zest for living / Power to live" in the school education for this decade,but the teachers have lost sight of how to manage it. By this report,that follows the report (1),we cite some instances about the communication skill or the passion of the child,and successively consider radical problems in Japan from the ang1e of the education of "body-transforming"

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