ビョウインマエ シンパイ テイシ ニオケル キュウキュウ キュウメイシ ノ キカン ソウカン ニツイテ : ホンケン ノ ゲンジョウ ト コンゴ ノ カダイ


Activities of Japanese Paramedics have increased and advanced year by year. Especially, intubation for OHCPA(out of hospital cardiopulmonary arrest) is approved since July 2004, but it is necessary to finish the training in Fire-fighter’s school and intubation practice in hospitals. In Fire-fighter’s school, Paramedics attend lectures and simulation, and in hospital, intubation practice for patients. Medical-control is the system for keeping the qualities and verification of details in the scene of pre-hospital medical care. This report discusses the states and problems of paramedic intubation, practice in hospital, airway management, from the questionnaire survey

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