Weak glow at Tarumae volcano, Japan, witnessed by the high-sensitive camera soon after the Tokachi-oki Earthquake in 2003 (MJMA 8.0)


In this paper, the authors describe remarkable thermo-activities especially at the fumaroles B on the southwestern cliff of the summit dome on Tarumae volcano, which unusually occurred soon after the Tokachi-oki erathquake that took place on Sep. 26 2003 (MJMA 8.0). The unusual thermoactivities include (1) increase in gas flux, (2) weak glow witnessed by the high-sensitive camera in the nighttime with positions moving night by night, and (3) ash ejection of about 24m^3. Since the high-sensitive cameras can detect thermal radiation, the observed glow would be evidence for high-temperature of rock surface. It is considered that the Tokachi-oki earthquake would affect the volcano to eject a large amount of high-temperature gas, which resulted in the weak but unusual glow and ash deposits of the order of 10m^3 in volume

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