Analysis about the current status of School Couseling in Japan : Outlook about the Integrative Model for School Couseling


The purpose of this paper is to review the books and papers about school counseling in Japan, and to discuss (a) what a new model of helping in school is, and (b) what skill school counselors have to acquire. For (a), we especially focused on the ideas, the purposes, and the means of school counseling in the review. As a result, it became clear that they were different depending on the researchers and the counselors, and that there is not an integrative model on school counseling in Japan. For (b), we clarified knowledge and skill school counselors were expected to have. As a result, we realized that school counselors should have to acquire skill to enter the school, and to unite the way of helping an individual and the way of intervening the system of the school. Through this review, we thought it would be important that school counselors help the school as a whole, and treat an individual as a part of the school system. Therefore, we should explore the way of helping students within the space specific to the school, for example, ""Jiyuu-Raishitsu-Katsudou"" or preventive counseling in a classroom

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