Activities of Paul J. Burnette, the 2nd CIE Library Officer under the Allied Occupation Japan


Paul J. Burnette was appointed as the 1st librarian of Tokyo CIE Information Center in 1946 and later worked as the 2nd CIE Library Officer from October 1947 to March 1949. His duty was in line with the ALA\u27s intension, especially (1) support for US library missions and (2) development of library education. When National Diet Library was founded in 1948, he helped advisers, such as, Verner Clapp, Charles Brown, and Robert Downs. Burnette was also organized both training program for NDL staffs and IFEL library course. He was concerned with promotion of school librarianship and establishment of public library law, too. He discussed with Japanese school library leaders about editing and publication of a guide to school libraries and with influential public librarians about principle of free library use and need for Library Board. But, activity as the Library Officer was supposed to be limited by CIE organizational system

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