The Supporting Systems of NPO and Guarantee of Plurarism In U.S.A.: Trough the investigation of Legislations and Intermediary systems


In America, they say, NPO is the organization for the guarantee of plural values. Is it true ? And what is a difference of plurarism and diversity? In this paper, we would like to regard that the supporting systems of NPO but not NPO itself make the guarantee of plural values possible. When we define the plurarism and diversity based on the idea of identity proposed by Erikson, "mutuality" is the basic idea of plurarism. Then after, by which idea we would like to elucidate the role of supporting systems of NPO ,the Legislations and the Intermediary sistems. As the result, we find supporting systems creates diverse holders of NPO, which promotes "mutuality". As the result of that, we find the supporting systems of NPO guarantee plural values over diversity

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