Varieties of Labor Market and Social Security in East Asia : Tackling the Problem of Informal Employment


東アジア諸国の労働市場は多様であり,社会保障の拡充を図るにあたっても労働市場の特徴をふまえて制度設計する必要がある.その際,かなめになるのはインフォーマル雇用の問題である.本稿では,インフォーマル雇用の壁を越えて社会保障の拡充を図っていくために,まずインフォーマル雇用の概念を使いやすくする必要があると主張する.政府と市場の相互作用からインフォーマル雇用が生じるさまを図式化したうえで,社会保障拡充の処方箋を考える. Ⅰ節では,近年の失業増加の状況を一瞥したうえで,自営業者や,賃金労働と自営業の間を行き来する出稼労働者,失業保険の適用を受けない労働者など,さまざまな形で存在するインフォーマル雇用の問題にも焦点を当てる必要があることを述べる. Ⅱ節では,インフォーマル雇用に関する先行研究やILO における議論を検討する.そこから,政府の規制能力と労働市場の特徴の鬩ぎ合いないし相互作用が各種のインフォーマル雇用を作り出す,という見通しが得られることを説明する. Ⅲ節では,Ⅱ節の検討をふまえて新方式を提案し,インフォーマル雇用の測定を試みる.そのうえで,インフォーマル雇用のタイプごとにフォーマル化の戦略を考え,各国政府の政策能力の向上を後押ししていくべきだと主張する.Wide variations exist in the characteristics of the labor markets in East Asian countries. In order to upgrade and expand existing social security systems, it is necessary to base the institutional design of such systems on an in - depth understanding of the characteristics of the labor market of each country - in which the issue of informal employment is pivotal. In this study, I argue that in order to expand social security coverage for informal workers, it is necessary first to clarify and operationalize the concept of informal employment. This paper first provides a schema that explains how various forms of informal employment emerge from the interaction between state regulations and labor markets. Next, I examine strategies aimed at expanding social security coverage. In the first section, after presenting an overview of unemployment in East Asia, I maintain the necessity of focusing on various types of informal employment, such as the self-employed, migrant workers who shuttle between wage employment and self-employment, and workers who are not covered by unemployment insurance. In the second section, the literature on informal employment and related discussions within the International Labour Organization (ILO) are reviewed. Then I explain the perspective that informal employment develops out of the interaction between the regulatory capacity of the government and the characteristics of the labor market. In the last section, based on a review of the preceding sections, I propose a novel schema to capture the phenomenon, and attempt to measure the scale of informal employment. Finally, I argue for the need for governments to enhance their capacity to formalize each type of informal employment.特集 東アジアの福祉システム : 所得保障と雇用保

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