

障害者政策の進展とともに,政策形成の場への当事者参加が進み,その体制が整えられてきた.本論では,エスピン‐アンデルセンが先進諸国の社会保障の特徴をふまえて提示した福祉レジームの類型に基づいて,社会民主主義レジームに分類されるフィンランド,自由主義レジームに分類されるアメリカ合衆国,保守主義レジームに分類されるとする日本において,障害者政策の歴史,障害のある当事者組織の形成と運動の発展,政府との関係と参画のあり方を比較検討し,障害のある当事者組織の政策形成への参加を促進する背景と条件について考察した結果,障害のある当事者組織が果たす役割と障害種別を越えた国内外のネットワーク化という共通性を確認した.The aim of this study is to identify conditions of successful advocacy work that develops the participation of disabled people in the field of welfare policymaking. I will review and compare the advocacy work of disabled people’s organizations in developed countries in reference to Esping-Andersen’s welfare regime typology. The points for discussion are the organizations’ history, fundraising strategies, ways of participating in the policymaking process, relationship to the government, and role and influence. Universal conditions for participation by the disabled in every country are as follows; the role of disabled people’s organizations to be a community for them to have an identity as a member of society is very important especially when we are dealing with a familistic welfare system. Definite strategies and international networks are required to respond to the domestic welfare system and gain power to negotiate with and protest against the government

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