2 型糖尿病患者における医療者との関係構築スキル尺度の開発および信頼性と妥当性の評価


Background and Purpose: To prevent interruption of diabetic care, it is necessary for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to build good relationships with medical staff. It is important that both patients with T2DM and medical staff strive for the common goal of good diabetes control. Therefore, measures capable of considering more concrete skills specific to patients with T2DM than the existing scale are required. Here, a skill scale for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to build relationships with medical staff was developed, and its reliability and validity were verified. Methods: As a theoretical framework for our scale, we used the 50-item list of social skills for adolescents created by Goldstein et al. We created 76 items based on a previous study, interviews with nurses specializing in diabetes care, and our own clinical experiences. The content validity and surface validity were verified, and we carefully selected 56 items for use in the scale. All items were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale. Valid responses to the questionnaire were obtained from 262 Japanese patients with T2DM. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to verify the construct validity. The 18-item Kikuchi Scale of Social Skills (KiSS-18) was used to investigate the criterion-related validity. The content validity index (CVI) was used to assess of content validity. The skill scale scores between the continuous diabetes care group and those with a history of diabetes care interruption were compared to determine the known-groups validity. Cronbach’s alpha, item-total correlations, and good-poor analysis were used to determine the internal consistency of the scale. Results: Our scale contained four factors and 36 items based on exploratory factor analysis: “problem-solving skills” (Factor 1), “coping skills” (Factor 2), “communication skills” (Factor 3), and “feelings-consciousness skills” (Factor 4). The four factors of this scale together had a cumulative contribution ratio of 56.12%, and construct validity was confirmed. The correlation coefficient with KiSS-18 was r = 0.590, and was significant (p < 0.01). The item-level content validity indexes ( I-CVIs) of the scale were 0.80 – 1.00, the scale-level content validity index ( S-CVI/Ave) was 0.95: CVI exceeded the standard. The total score of the scale was significantly lower for patients with a history of diabetes care interruption (p < 0.01). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the four factors for the 36 items was 0.960, while that of the factors was 0.791 – 0.960. Item-total correlation analysis indicated that all items were significantly correlated (r = 0.313 – 0.798, p < 0.01), and good-poor analysis indicated that all items showed a significant difference (p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study confirmed the reliability and validity of a new scale for patients with T2DM in Japan. This scale could be useful to support patients with T2DM.背景・目的:糖尿病の通院中断予防には、患者と医療者が良好な関係を築けるようなスキルを高めることが必要である。 2 型糖尿病患者と医療者は良好な糖尿病コントロールの維持を共通目標とし、両者の努力が重要である。これより、 2 型糖尿病患者には既存尺度よりも特有で具体的なスキルを考慮した尺度が必要と考えた。本研究は 2 型糖尿病患者における医療者との関係構築スキル尺度を開発し、信頼性と妥当性を検証することを目的とした。 方法:本尺度の理論的枠組みには、ゴールドステインらの作成した若者のための社会的スキルを用いた。先行研究、糖尿病看護に携わる看護師への面接、研究者の臨床経験を基に 76 項目を作成した。その後、内容妥当性と表面妥当性を検証し、原案 56 項目を作成した。全項目は 5 段階のリッカート尺度で評価した。日本の 2 型糖尿病患者 262 名の有効回答を得た。データは探索的因子分析を行った。妥当性の検討として、基準関連妥当性はKiSS-18、内容妥当性は内容妥当性指標 (CVI) を用い、既知集団妥当性は通院中断経験の有無と尺度得点の比較を行った。信頼性の検討はクロンバックα、I-T 相関分析、G-P 分析を行った。結果:探索的因子分析により 4 因子 36 項目を抽出した。 4 因子は、「問題解決スキル」、「対処スキル」、「コミュニケーションスキル」、「感情自覚スキル」と命名した。本尺度の累積寄与率は56.12%であった。KiSS-18との相関係数は0.590と有意な相関であった(p < 0.01)。 CVI は各項目 0.80 〜 1.00、尺度全体 0.95 と基準を上回っていた。通院中断経験者は尺度総得点が有意に低かった(p < 0.01)。尺度全体のクロンバックα係数は 0.960 であった。全項目において、I-T 相関分析は有意な相関であり (r = 0.313 〜 0.798, p < 0.01)、G-P 分析では有意差が得られた(p < 0.001)。 結論:本研究は日本の 2 型糖尿病を持つ患者において信頼性と妥当性のある尺度と確認できた

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