

金沢大学機械工学系食品の凍結保存は,原理的には,低温化と活性水分の低減により品質の長期維持を図るものであるが,凍結過程で各種の機械的損傷や膠質的損傷を伴う.したがって,食品凍結においては,(1)マクロな伝熱現象,(2)細胞内外での氷晶の偏在形成や,細胞膜を通した水分移動による溶液の濃縮と細胞の収縮などのミクロな現象,(3)これらの状態のもとでの組織・組成の物理・化学的変化,の階層的な取扱いが必要であり,最終的に(4)風味やテクスチャー(食感)などの官能評価へと繋がる.本課題は以上の観点に立って進めるものであり,マグロ魚肉の凍結過程のCryo-SEM観察,凍結過程の数値シミュレーション,凍結後の食品の品質の定量的推算を行い以下の成果を得た.1.緩速冷却の場合には筋繊維間の領域に形成された氷晶の成長が支配的であり,水分は筋繊維内から筋繊維間隙に移動して凍結する.これに対して急速冷却の場合には筋繊維内部に多数の微細氷晶が発生・成長する.2.緩速冷却の場合には,凍結が進むにつれて筋原繊維タンパク質のCa^-、ATPase活性値が低下し、また解凍後のドリップ(液汁)量が多くなり,凍結による損傷が増大する.3.凍結損傷の因子分析の結果,筋繊維の脱水率がタンパク質の変性度を,また筋繊維外。の凍結固相率がドリップ量を表す有効な指標となることが明らかにされた.4.筋繊維群よりなる構造体の凍結モデルが提示され,凍結過程における温度履歴,氷晶の偏在形成ならびに筋繊維の脱水・収縮の状態を解析的に予測することが可能となった.5.3および4の成果を組み合わせることにより,マクロ伝熱,ミクロ現象,凍結後の品質変化を連結することが可能となり,凍結による品質変化の定量的予測が実現された.Freezing can slow down or stop some biological reactions for preserving food. It is also true that the freezing is lethal to keeping the taste of food. During freezing, the extra- and intracellular ice formation, osmotic water permeation through cell membrane, deformation of the cell and other behavior occur at microscale and they bring serious injuries connecting to drip and denaturation of protein.In this research project, heat transfer and damage of food during freezing process have been studied analytically and experimentally. In experiments, muscle tissue of tuna was cooled by airblast method. The freezing process of tissue was observed by using a cryo-scanning electron microscope as a function of temperature. The drip after thawing of frozen tissue and Ca-ATPase activity of the myofibril were also measured.Summarizing these results, firstly, the process of ice formation and the dehydration of muscle fiber were clarified with cooling rate. Secondly, it is made clear that the dehydration ration of the muscle fiber is available parameter which described changing in quality of food after freezing, and the frozen solid fraction in extracellular region is the useful parameter to described the rate of drip. Thirdly, the freezing model of muscle tissue was proposed. Through analysis, the temperature distribution in the tissue, the state of ice formation, the microbehavior of intra- and extra-muscle fiber are numerically calculated. On the basis of these results, the accurate prediction of changing in quality of food after freezing can be achieved analytically in conjunction with cooing condition, membrane permeabily, and tissue size.研究課題/領域番号:11650213, 研究期間(年度):1999-200

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