Tempo-spatial variation in feeding activity and density of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) at peridomestic habitat in Nagasaki, Japan.


金沢大学理工研究域 自然システム学系1998年9月, 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所敷地内で家屋周辺の茂み及び裸地においてヒトスジシマカの24時間採集を行い, 周辺環境の異なる採集場所における吸血活動性と密度のちがいを調べた。ヒトスジシマカの密度は茂みで高く, 屋内や裸地で低かった。吸血活動は薄明薄暮に高まり, 夜も高かった。最も活動性が高い薄暮には, 統計的な有意差はみられないが, 昼間や夜間に比べて屋内や裸地で採集される雌個体の割合が高かった。以上の結果からヒトスジシマカの生態における夜間の吸血活動の重要性と薄明薄暮には茂み以外に裸地や屋内などでも吸血される機会が増加することが示唆された。 To clarify the tempo-spatial variation in feeding of Aedes albopictus, a field investigation was conducted in a field where the species heavily infested, in Nagasaki. Feeding activity was observed in the nighttime as well as at dawn and dusk. The density was high at sites with vegetation and low at sites without vegetation and indoors. At sites with vegetation, the proportion of females decreased at dawn and dusk, while it increased at sites without vegetation and indoors. Feeding activity in nighttime is possibly common in Ae. albopictus, and the place of feeding expands from sites with vegetation to sites without vegetation and indoors at dawn and dusk

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