Coarse-grained Simulation of Azurin Crystal Complex System: Protein–protein Interactions


Most of protein function analyses focus mainly on the physical properties of a sin-gle protein. Nevertheless, the environments where proteins perform their biological functions are crowded with macromolecules, such as lipid, nucleic acids, and other proteins. The interactions between macromolecules may be affected by molecular crowding. Therefore, as an initial step we here investigate the protein–protein interactions for gaining insights into molecular crowding effects on protein conformational changes. Computational molecular simulation is one of the useful and important tools to study the protein interactions. Here we develop a coarse-grained model and a topology-based potential interactions to simulate dynamical properties of multiprotein complex crys-tal structure. We apply them to simulate complex crystal structure of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa azurin, a small cupredoxin, which functions as an electron carrier in bacterial respiration. Since electron transfer on azurin plays an important role in the biological system, it is important to cha-racterize the protein interactions in azurin. In our simulation, the interactions between intra- and inter- domains are treated at the residue level with the implementation of the off lattice G¯o-like model. In each domain, bonded interactions between residues are described by bond stretching, bond angle bending, and torsional angle potentials. The non-bonded interactions, which are repre-sented by short range and long range potentials, describe the interactions both among residues and between proteins. We probe the protein–protein interactions by analyzing the protein binding. A simple clustering algorithm is applied to group the bound structures of protein complex. Moreover, we can investigate the importance of the long range interaction on the multiprotein complex system. These studies will serve as valuable insights for further investigation on molecular crowding effects

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