Permissive Subsorted Partial Logic in CASL.


. This paper presents a permissive subsorted partial logic used in the CoFI Algebraic Specification Language. In contrast to other ordersorted logics, subsorting is not modeled by set inclusions, but by injective embeddings allowing for more general models in which subtypes can have different data type representations. Furthermore, there are no restrictions like monotonicity, regularity or local filtration on signatures at all. Instead, the use of overloaded functions and predicates in formulae is required to be sufficiently disambiguated, such that all parses have the same semantics. An overload resolution algorithm is sketched. 1 Introduction During the past decades a large number of algebraic specification languages have been developed. The presence of so many similar specification languages with no common framework hinders the dissemination and application of research results in algebraic specification. In particular, it makes it difficult to produce educational material, to re-us..

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