Preliminarna zapažanja o primeni metode fluorescencije hlorofila u fitopatologiji kod nas


Between many biochemical, microbiological, and (in contemporary time) molecular methods, all of them were broadly used in phytopatological praktice in our country, we are not see use of biophysical methods for this reason, althogh this methods are very valuable in plant ecophysiology, as a science discipline of fundamental importance! In world literature existed examples for application biophysical methods, particularly fluorescence of chlorophyll in detection of symptoms of pathogenic atack on cultural plants in situ. Because of that reason we tested method of so called non-modulated fluorescence of chlorophyll for detection of physiological changes (induced by phytopatological factors) on two cultivars of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L): Game Bojadiser and Frankovka, infected by plant viruses. Existence of those viruses also detected by common microbiological methods.Među brojnim biohemijskim, mikrobiološkim, a odskora i molekularnim metodama, koje se koriste u fitopatološkoj praksi u nas, nismo zapazili primenu biofizičkih metoda, koje se široko primenjuju u ekofiziologiji biljaka, fundamentalnoj disciplini. U svetskoj literaturi postoje primeri za aplikaciju biofizičkih metoda, a posebno fluorescencije hlorofila, u detekciji patogenih simptoma gajenih biljaka in situ. Zato smo testirali metodu tzv. nemodulisane fluorescencije hlorofila za detekciju fizioloških promena (uzrokovanih fitopatološkim razlozima) na dve sorte vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L), Game Bojadiser i Frankovka, zaražene biljnim virusima. Prisustvo tih virusa detektovano je uobičajenim mikrobiološkim metodama

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