Efikasnost rokova primene fungicida za suzbijanje Taphrina deformans, prouzrokovača kovrdžavosti lista breskve u Srbiji


The causal agent of peach leaf curl Taphrina deformans, in recent years in Serbia occurs regularly and causes significant economic losses. As the leaf curl important in many areas of growing peaches in the world, great attention is focused on finding a measure of control. According to recommendations from the literature sources of chemical protection against this pathogen should be carried out in several treatments, ie. in the fall after the leaves fall and the spring just before and during the swelling buds. As is well known that the pathogen T. deformans infection achieved solely through the undifferentiated tissue swelling in the bud stage of development, there were determined the effectiveness of fungicides recommended in all phenological stages of development. The study was conducted during fall 2006. and spring of 2007. year, the Summerset peach orchards cultivars in conditions of natural infection at the site of Bela Crkva. We tested seven different varieties, which are comprised of individual and combined treatments, so that the period covered by the three defined phenological stages of peach, starting from autumn treatment stage of development in 50% of leaves yellow and dorman and growth stages of vegetation where the applied fungicide copper hidroksid, and phenophase bud swell to when fungicide was applied ziram. In conditions of high levels of natural infection in the control plots, the highest efficiency demonstrated the variant that contained the treatment of swelling in the bud stage of development (96.22 - 97.84%), while other variants did not show satisfactory efficiency (7.78 - 16.85% ). These results significantly contribute to an improved method of groweing peach with substantial savings on chemicals without losses caused by disease, peach leaf curl.Prouzrokovač kovrdžavosti lista breskve Taphrina deformans, poslednjih godina u Srbiji redovno se javlja i nanosi značajne ekonomske gubitke. Kako je kovrdžavost lista značajna u mnogim područjima gajenja breskve u svetu velika pažnja usmerena je na iznalaženje mera kontrole. Prema preporukama iz literaturnih izvora hemijsku zaštitu protiv ovog patogena treba sprovoditi u nekoliko tretmana, tj. u jesen nakon opadanja lišća i u proleće neposredno pre i u toku bubrenja pupoljaka. Kako je poznato da patogen T. deformans ostvaruje infekciju isključivo preko nediferenciranog tkiva u fenofazi bubrenja pupoljka, vršena su ispitivanja efikasnosti primene fungicida u svim preporučenim fenofazama razvoja. Ispitivanje je obavljeno u periodu jesen 2006. i proleće 2007. godine, u zasadu breskve sorte Summerset, u uslovima prirodne zaraze na lokalitetu Bela Crkva. Testirano je sedam različitih varijanti, koje su se sastojale iz kombinovanih i pojedinačnih tretiranja, tako da je pokriven period od tri definisane fenofaze razvoja breskve, počevši od jesenjeg tretmana u fenofazi 50% lišća žuto i opalo i fenofaze mirovanja vegetacije gde je primenjen fungicid bakar hidroksid do fenofaze bubrenje pupoljka kada je primenjen fungicid ciram. U uslovima visokog nivoa prirodne zaraze u kontrolnim parcelama, najvišu efikasnost ispoljile su varijante koje su sadržale tretman u fenofazi bubrenja pupoljka (96,22 - 97,84%), dok ostale varijante nisu pokazale zadovoljavajuću efikasnost (7,78 - 16,85%). Dobijeni rezultati značajno doprinose poboljšanom načinu proizvodnje breskve uz značajnu uštedu hemijskih sredstava bez gubitaka izazvanih oboljenjem kovrdžavosti lista breskve

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