Dynamic threshold neural P systems


Pulse coupled neural networks (PCNN, for short) are models abstracting the synchronization behavior observed experimentally for the cortical neurons in the visual cortex of a cat’s brain, and the intersecting cortical model is a simplified version of the PCNN model. Membrane computing (MC) is a kind computation paradigm abstracted from the structure and functioning of biological cells that provide models working in cell-like mode, neural-like mode and tissue-like mode. Inspired from intersecting cortical model, this paper proposes a new kind of neural-like P systems, called dynamic threshold neural P systems (for short, DTNP systems). DTNP systems can be represented as a directed graph, where nodes are dynamic threshold neurons while arcs denote synaptic connections of these neurons. DTNP systems provide a kind of parallel computing models, they have two data units (feeding input unit and dynamic threshold unit) and the neuron firing mechanism is implemented by using a dynamic threshold mechanism. The Turing universality of DTNP systems as number accepting/generating devices is established. In addition, an universal DTNP system having 109 neurons for computing functions is constructed.National Natural Science Foundation of China No 61472328Research Fund of Sichuan Science and Technology Project No. 2018JY0083Chunhui Project Foundation of the Education Department of China No. Z2016143Chunhui Project Foundation of the Education Department of China No. Z2016148Research Foundation of the Education Department of Sichuan province No. 17TD003

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