Ritratto di un'autrice: il cinema di Gabriella Rosaleva


Ritratto di un’autrice. Il cinema di Gabriella Rosaleva [Portrait of a female auteur. The cinema of Gabriella Rosaleva] This dissertation is an expression of my interest for the role of women in film and media, which I have started to develop when I was working on my MA thesis. As is well known, the work of women is often underestimated in - and sometimes even completely erased from - the history of cinema. More specifically, I have decided to focus on Gabriella Rosaleva, an Italian filmmaker who has worked in film and television mainly during the 1980s and the 1990s. After an introductory chapter, I have focused on the reconstruction of Rosaleva’s biography and, subsequently, on the social and cultural context on which she has worked. In the central part of my dissertation I have extensively analysed her films. Starting from the description of the materials I have gathered during my research, I have examined the structural (narrative and stylistic) elements of Rosaleva’s cinema, outlining the recurrent motives and the most original and “personal” traits of her production - which I have further investigated in the conclusive chapter. Besides her cinematic oeuvre, I have also analysed in-depth a series of different texts, including her novel and a number of subjects, screenplays, and treatments for films that never got made. The second volume of the thesis presents an ample iconographic appendix and gathers a selection of her cinematic writings, which have been preserved from the decay of time through digitization

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