Quantitative Methods for Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Measurement


Despite the importance of Food and Nutrition Security, great challenges remain to be addressed worldwide to reduce and eradicate hunger and malnutrition. The most recent report on the State of Food Insecurity in the World (2018) stated that, for developing regions taken as a whole, the share of undernourished people in the total population has recently increased in the period 2015-17 to 10.9% compared to its lowest (10.6%) in 2015. Although there has been substantial progress in the last decade, almost 821 million people are still undernourished globally. In part, the inability to tackle the problems relates to the lack of timely and more spatially explicit information to inform decision-making, humanitarian and development initiatives. On the other hand, monitoring progress of policies and actions to combat hunger and malnutrition requires innovative and practical measurements that take into account food and nutrition security (FNS) updated information. The availability of joint measurements for FNS is still low for the great demand of information in this subject. Nonetheless, some efforts have initiated in recent years by researchers and practitioners. Thus, in 2017 the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) jointly organizing an International Conference on Quantitative Methods for Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Measurements. The conference provided a platform for researchers, academics, professionals and decision makers to define the state of the art for quantitative measurement of food and nutrition security (F&NS). The research work and keynotes presented helped identifying the main practical challenges, innovative methods or modeling techniques, and exploring best practices to scale up multi and cross-sectoral F&NS collaboration and coordination at country, regional and global level. Moreover, in hosting an interdisciplinary forum, the conference offered the opportunity for participants to forge innovative partnerships for the development and promotion of improved methodologies to support evidence-based F&NS policies and decision-making. The conference gathered research work mainly from Africa but also from Asia and included 80 participants from Africa, Asia and Europe. This document summarize the presentations, which included keynotes and research projects, included here according to their order in the program of the conference. Research projects presentations are summarized presenting when possible, their main motivation, methods and results, or else their title and authors for those under publication in scientific journals.JRC.D.5-Food Securit

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